
- Applicants must have a non-profit status, however we do not require a 501(C)3 designation.
- Applications will be accepted only for projects in Williams, McKenzie, and Divide counties in North Dakota. Possible exception to this rule exists for resource-related projects only. Grant applications for resource-related projects a) in other counties must be endorsed in writing by the Missouri River Anglers or United Sportsmen-Williston Chapter as beneficial to Confluence area paddlefish anglers, b) in Montana will only be considered if from an area contiguous to the Confluence and beneficial to paddlefish anglers from North Dakota.
- Applicants must complete the North Star grant application in its entirety. Applications need not be typed, but must be clear and legible. PLEASE PRINT. Additional information is limited to one page, which may be attached. Supporting documentation should add insight, and could include cost quotes, a proof of print or promotional material, photos of supplies or equipment to be purchased, etc.
- Project requests must be specific and have a definite beginning and completion. North Star is interested in funding a specific program or event, a specific piece of equipment, a specific improvement, etc. North Star does not provide general funding for organizations. Vague project descriptions and unsupported cost estimates will cause application to be rejected.
- Applicants must accept responsibility for a portion of the total cost of a project. The budget may include volunteer time and donated materials.
- Stronger consideration is given to those project requests which benefit larger numbers of people.
- North Star grant money cannot be used to pay salaries or wages, to pass through to a third party, or to fund feasibility studies.
- Any facility, supplies, or equipment purchased with North Star grant money must be accessible and available for public use AT NO CHARGE and at all reasonable times.
- In the Resource-related category, the following will receive special consideration... a) water or water quality projects, b) projects which are educational, informational, or instructional relative to fishing and hunting, c) forestry projects which provide planting for bank stabilization or shade for fishing areas. Hunting projects must be non-fee and events in which large numbers of sportspersons participate. Stocking or habitat development projects will be limited to land/water areas which will be permanently accessible to outdoor enthusiasts. The applicant in a Resource-related project request must agree to oversee the project to completion and provide maintenance/management throughout the project's useful life.
