North Star Caviar

North Star Caviar has retail product for sale at the Missouri-Yellowstone River confluence cleaning station during paddlefish season while supplies last!

Our Grant Program
Net proceeds from this project support paddlefish research by the North Dakota Game and Fish Department, as well as other projects which improve conditions of habitat and land and water access for outdoor activities. Proceeds are also granted to non-profit organizations for cultural, historical, and recreational projects.

To provide funding for projects of interest to the Williston Area Chamber of Commerce and Friends of Fort Union Trading Post. Projects must be historical, cultural, recreational or resource-related in nature.

Project Category Definitions
Historical:    Concerned with events in history, a chronological record of significant events.
Cultural:    Relating to culture, developing the intellectual and moral faculties, especially by education, fine arts, and the humanities.
Recreational:    Relating to recreation, the refreshment of strength and spirits after work, i.e. indoor/outdoor sports, hobbies, etc.
Resource-Related:    A "resource" is a source of supply or support; the paddlefish population is our source of supply, while the paddlefisherman is our source of support. Projects in this category should seek to improve conditions of habitat and access of/to both land and water for the enhancement of outdoor activities, concentrating on the development of fishing, hunting, and wildlife.

(Definitions developed using Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary)

Grant Application Process
Read Press Release regarding 2017 grant funds.

Grant applications will be available January 1st online in Word and PDF formats and at the North Star Caviar office within the Chamber of Commerce at 10 Main in Williston, ND. Application deadline is March 1st.

Submitting an application does not in any way guarantee funding.

Applicants must complete the formal written North Star Caviar grant application. Applicant does not give oral presentation. Written applications are reviewed by a ten-member grant committee and are judged on their merits. All applicants will be notified in writing as to the final status of their grant project request.

Successful applicants will be required to sign a Funding Agreement at which time 90% of the grant funds will be disbursed. The final 10% of grant funding is awarded after successful completion of applicant's project, submission of final report, and photocopies of receipts verifying funds were spent for the project/purpose intended. All projects receiving North Star grant funding must give credit to North Star Caviar in any promotion, i.e. "this project was funded in part by a grant from North Star Caviar."
North American Paddlefish Caviar - From the cold northern waters of the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers